Sleep tips for Shift Workers: Advice from Sleep Experts at CIRCADIAN®


In a world where restful sleep may seem like a luxury, the challenges of obtaining sufficient, good-quality sleep are even more pronounced for shift workers. This guide provides realistic, evidence-based strategies that address common sleep problems and improve the sleep of everyone seeking better overall health and wellness.

Establish the Perfect Sleep Environment

Any journey to a restful night begins by transforming a bedroom into a sleep sanctuary —a retreat designed for optimal comfort and relaxation. Here are the key elements of an optimal sleep environment:

  1. Embrace the Darkness: Light significantly affects our sleep-wake cycle. Blackout curtains block out light from the outside world and a sleep mask can be worn to obtain complete darkness and help induce sleep.
  2. Maintain Your Cool: A room that is slightly colder—between 60- and 67-degrees Fahrenheit (15 and 19 degrees Celsius)—replicates the body's natural cooling process at night and promotes better sleep. Choose bedding that breathes well and adjust your thermostat to the most comfortable setting.
  3. Reduce Noise Disturbances: Employ earplugs or white noise machines to block out distracting noises.  Think about soundproofing your sanctuary area to further lower noise levels. For some people, a calm or steady sound environment can help promote sleep.
  4. Invest in High-Quality Bedding: Sleep comfort is greatly influenced by mattresses, pillows, and other bedding materials. Select items with breathable, natural fabrics that accommodate your favorite sleeping position.
  5. Aromatherapy: Relaxing scents that encourage sleep include bergamot, lavender, and chamomile. You can improve the atmosphere for sleeping by incorporating these into your bedroom through diffusers or scented products.
  6. Clutter-Free Space: A tidy bedroom promotes a calm mind. Make sure everything is put away, your workspace is tidy, and there are no electronics or work-related items that could keep you from unwinding.
  7. Customize Your Space: You can make your bedroom a retreat by incorporating warm, unique elements that enhance the room's overall feeling of coziness and relaxation.

Personal Sleep Strategies from CIRCADIAN Specialists

At Circadian, practicing what we preach is fundamental. Here are a few strategies we swear by:

  • Vishal’s Wind-Down Rituals: Recognizing the importance of signaling to the body that it's time to rest, Vishal incorporates a bedtime routine of about 30 minutes involving reading or light stretching exercises. On nights when sleep is elusive, Vishal avoids screens an hour before bed, opting instead for calming ambient sounds or guided meditation to clear his mind and promote relaxation.
  • Irene’s Chamomile Tea Tradition: Irene finds solace in a cup of hot chamomile tea each evening, a simple practice that eases the transition into night and fosters deeper, uninterrupted sleep. The calming effects of chamomile serve as a natural aid in her sleep preparation process.
  • Sam’s Screen-Free Reading: For Sam, spending 30–60 minutes with a hard copy book or magazine is key to unwinding before bed. This screen-free time not only relaxes his mind but also avoids the sleep-disrupting effects of blue light. Sam emphasizes the importance of choosing non-stimulating material to prevent mental stimulation and employs white noise to create a consistent auditory environment conducive to sleep.
  • Rainer’s Quest for Darkness: Absolute darkness is non-negotiable for Rainer, who takes meticulous steps to eliminate any form of light in the sleeping area, including covering LEDs and adapting to hotel rooms by concealing digital clocks and unplugging unnecessary electronics. This commitment to a dark environment significantly enhances sleep quality.


Whether you're a shift worker or someone who just struggles with sleep, remember that small, thoughtful adjustments to your routine and environment can lead to profound improvements in sleep.

The strategies and tips offered here are just a sample of the practical tips CIRCADIAN offers in our Managing Fatigue, Sleep, and Shiftwork Lifestyle Training. Share these strategies within your shift work community to encourage better sleep! Our clients consistently state that this customized training is well received by their workforce, and that participants report longer sleep durations and higher alertness levels following the training.

Interested in obtaining the full benefit of this training for your team? Get in touch with Circadian today for a tailored training solution that suits your needs!

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